Who Is Boardline Academy?

Our first rendition of Boardline was created to try to solve the learning gap we discovered over our 15 successful years of managing associations. We recognized that our team and customers lacked the training they needed and voila! The Boardline Institute was born as our initial attempt to educate board members.
Unfortunately, this traditional training approach didn’t solve the problem.
With only 47% of our staff satisfied with our training, we had to go back to the drawing board. Easy-to-use board training was repeatedly the number one item requested in our customer surveys. So, we tried again and created an entire learning platform for our team.
After years of investing time and money, we saw the results. A well-trained, high-performing team and knowledgeable confident board members who are better partners. A later employee survey showed an increase to 92% satisfaction!
With this success, we decided to form a new company to create the world’s first HOA learning app and HOA LMS. From our roots at Boardline Institute, we’ve grown into the leading provider of HOA learning for board members and management professionals. Through our award-winning innovation, we’ve welcome over 5000 board member users and hundreds management professional users.

Why the Flamingo?
In other words, our training helps everyone involved in the HOA get enriched.
Our purpose is to help our partners and their customers learn and thrive, ultimately creating better communities and companies along the way.
Increase efficiency, awareness, and credibility. Decrease misunderstandings, mistakes, and unwelcome surprises.
It’s as simple as that.